two channel video

length: 58:25 min.

[ A ] 2016

Black Horizon is an experimental sound video that builds on the artists fascination with slowly evolving states that recur everyday in our surroundings. By splitting sky and ground into two seperate frames the video creates an artificial translation of reality.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.54.28Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.54.28
Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.55.58Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.55.58
Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.56.06Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.56.06
Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.56.31Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-10 um 01.56.31